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  • TWL/NWL (Scrabble US/CA/TH)
  • SOWPODS/CSW (Scrabble UK / ALL)
  • ENABLE (Words with Friends)

Meaning of move

1 definition found

From WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006) [wn]:

      n 1: the act of deciding to do something; "he didn't make a move
           to help"; "his first move was to hire a lawyer"
      2: the act of changing your residence or place of business;
         "they say that three moves equal one fire" [syn: {move},
      3: a change of position that does not entail a change of
         location; "the reflex motion of his eyebrows revealed his
         surprise"; "movement is a sign of life"; "an impatient move
         of his hand"; "gastrointestinal motility" [syn: {motion},
         {movement}, {move}, {motility}]
      4: the act of changing location from one place to another;
         "police controlled the motion of the crowd"; "the movement of
         people from the farms to the cities"; "his move put him
         directly in my path" [syn: {motion}, {movement}, {move}]
      5: (game) a player's turn to take some action permitted by the
         rules of the game
      v 1: change location; move, travel, or proceed, also
           metaphorically; "How fast does your new car go?"; "We
           travelled from Rome to Naples by bus"; "The policemen went
           from door to door looking for the suspect"; "The soldiers
           moved towards the city in an attempt to take it before
           night fell"; "news travelled fast" [syn: {travel}, {go},
           {move}, {locomote}] [ant: {stay in place}]
      2: cause to move or shift into a new position or place, both in
         a concrete and in an abstract sense; "Move those boxes into
         the corner, please"; "I'm moving my money to another bank";
         "The director moved more responsibilities onto his new
         assistant" [syn: {move}, {displace}]
      3: move so as to change position, perform a nontranslational
         motion; "He moved his hand slightly to the right" [ant:
         {stand still}]
      4: change residence, affiliation, or place of employment; "We
         moved from Idaho to Nebraska"; "The basketball player moved
         from one team to another" [ant: {stay}, {stay put}, {stick},
         {stick around}]
      5: follow a procedure or take a course; "We should go farther in
         this matter"; "She went through a lot of trouble"; "go about
         the world in a certain manner"; "Messages must go through
         diplomatic channels" [syn: {go}, {proceed}, {move}]
      6: be in a state of action; "she is always moving" [syn: {be
         active}, {move}] [ant: {rest}]
      7: go or proceed from one point to another; "the debate moved
         from family values to the economy"
      8: perform an action, or work out or perform (an action); "think
         before you act"; "We must move quickly"; "The governor should
         act on the new energy bill"; "The nanny acted quickly by
         grabbing the toddler and covering him with a wet towel" [syn:
         {act}, {move}] [ant: {forbear}, {refrain}]
      9: have an emotional or cognitive impact upon; "This child
         impressed me as unusually mature"; "This behavior struck me
         as odd" [syn: {affect}, {impress}, {move}, {strike}]
      10: give an incentive for action; "This moved me to sacrifice my
          career" [syn: {motivate}, {actuate}, {propel}, {move},
          {prompt}, {incite}]
      11: arouse sympathy or compassion in; "Her fate moved us all"
      12: dispose of by selling; "The chairman of the company told the
          salesmen to move the computers"
      13: progress by being changed; "The speech has to go through
          several more drafts"; "run through your presentation before
          the meeting" [syn: {move}, {go}, {run}]
      14: live one's life in a specified environment; "she moves in
          certain circles only"
      15: have a turn; make one's move in a game; "Can I go now?"
          [syn: {move}, {go}]
      16: propose formally; in a debate or parliamentary meeting [syn:
          {move}, {make a motion}]

Source : WordNet ® Princeton University. 2010.

Use this dictionary checker to learn more about a word - find out its meaning and also make sure whether that word is a valid word in any of these dictionaries (used by popular word games). Here is the list of dictionaries it checks for :

  • OCTWL / TWL : The official dictionary for scrabble game in United States, Canada and Thailand.
  • SOWPODS / CSW : UK and the rest of the world uses this dictionary for various word games including scrabble.
  • ENABLE - This is the default dictionary for Words with Friends.

The dictionary checker is also good at solving any issue with a disputed word when you're playing scramble games gainst your friends or family members. As a bonus, you also learn new words while having fun!

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