Free Games Like Wordle
What other way to kick off the start of 2022 than a new word game popping up and becoming everyone’s new obsession? Because that’s exactly what Wordle did! Created by Josh Wardle for his wife, Wordle featured a daily puzzle that everyone could solve. It quickly became a daily routine for some since the site only allowed one puzzle per day.
But what about those who just couldn’t get enough? Lucky for you, there are tons of other word games just like Wordle for you to try out!
Wordle dupes
Sure, Wordle is fun and all, but sometimes, that excitement and challenge of solving the daily wordle of the day can be short-lived and you’re left wanting for more.
If you’re looking for games that try to emulate Wordle, these dupes will give you the same vibes but a different taste. So the next time you find yourself restless and waiting for the next day to come, give these five games a try and play ‘til you drop!
1. Wheeldle
Courtesy: Foodle
As the ultimate Wordle dupe, Wheeldle allows players to play as much as they want without any limit at all. It features an attractive retro aesthetic with fun sound bits that play for every click that you make. And if you’re someone who likes to challenge themselves by keeping track of your score, then you’ll definitely enjoy the score and streak tracker built into the game.
Win as many games as you can, build your streak, and play to your heart’s content in this never-ending Wordle puzzle!
2. Themed Dupes

Wanna see how much knowledge you have in a particular area? Then these next three games are for you! Come and test your knowledge in these three themed Wordle dupes: Geography, Songs, and Flags.
a. Worldle
From the name itself, it should need no introduction because it’s time to guess some countries! In Worldle, players are shown a simple image of a country and it’s up to you to guess which one it is. Instead of showing which letters you got right, it’ll tell you how far off you are from the correct answer based on the country you initially put. Let’s say that the country to guess is Hungary and you had put down Bosnia and Herzegovina, the system will then tell you that you are 388km from the target country and it’s towards the North.
Not only do you need to know a ton of countries but also knowledge of geography and directions is a definite must! You could also make a few tweaks to the game to cater to your needs. If you’d like a little bit of a challenge, then you could opt to have the country outline erased, or even rotated to add some difficulty! Keeping track of your streak is also a breeze since the website has its own icon that you could press to show your win history.
b. Heardle
Think you know a lot of songs? Well, think again, because in this version of Wordle, it’s up to you to guess what song the website is playing. It’ll start off with just a couple of seconds from the song, then will continuously lengthen the more wrong answers you get. Don’t let your guard down though because some of these songs are quite unknown – but hey, what better way to discover new tunes to add to your Spotify playlist?
c. Flagle Unlimited
Flagle Unlimited is like Worldle but not quite. Just as the name suggests, Flagle shows you different flags from different countries and it’s your task to figure out where it’s from. But don’t be fooled by it though, because the flag isn’t shown outright. Only parts of it get revealed for each wrong answer you get.
Any geography lover out there would certainly love this game because of how challenging it is – that is, of course, if you’re a certified flag expert. But even then, it’s nice to see where you stand from time to time.
3. Quordle
What if solving one word at a time is too elementary for you? Then how about solving four words at a time? Now that should get you going!
The challenge with Quordle is that you have to guess all four words at the same time, and the letters you input will apply to all words. You have a total of nine tries to get all of them right and strategy is key. You need to figure out how you’re going to juggle managing these puzzles at once. You can also try our quordle solver if you need any hints during play.
4. Dordle
Was four words a little too much for you? Then perhaps solving two words at the same time is more your speed.
It has the same mechanics as Quordle but is made for those who think that four words at a time are a bit much. There are two modes for you to choose from: Daily Dordle and Free Dordle. The former one is just like Wordle wherein you’ll have two words of the day that you have to accomplish and it’ll reset for the next day. Meanwhile, in the latter, you get to play to your heart’s content.
5. Queerdle
For all the queer queens, kings, and allies out there, there’s a game that’s specially curated for you! Introducing the exciting world of Queerdle, where you can test just how much queer lingo you know. All accepted words in the system must be queer related or else it won’t be considered valid. Time to test your queer knowledge and see if you’ve got what it takes!
Word games
Enough with the Wordle dupes, it’s time to explore some word games that have the same feel but different gameplay. After all, having a bit of variety in your life could be good! Here are other word games worth checking out!
This should need no introduction because the ever-popular game of Hangman remains a favorite pastime today! But for those who are not in the know, Hangman is a fun and easy game to play by yourselves or with a friend. The gist is simple: there is a word that you must guess, but for every wrong letter that you input, a contraption keeps getting added ‘till you’ve placed enough wrong letters to actually “hang the man” (which of course is just a doodle and not a real man).
There are tons of websites to choose from with each having a special quirk: timed challenges, themed ones, or even unlimited play! If you’re with a friend, why not play among yourselves offline? All you really need is a pen, paper, and some imagination.
Text Twist 2
Jumbled letters are always a fun way to challenge yourself. With over 600,000 words in the English language, who knows how many word combinations you can create with a few seemingly random letters – you’d be shocked! It’s a great game for those who want to hone their quick-thinking skills and be entertained while at it.
What word game list would be complete without Wordscapes? You all know it, and you all love it!
As a combination between anagrams and crosswords, it’s like getting the best of both worlds when it comes to these word puzzles. Include the fact that there are just so many features, levels, challenges, and more that make your daily gaming experience exciting.
4 Pics 1 Word
Anyone who grew up during the mid-2000s would definitely know that 4 Pics 1 Word was the OG word game. For those who need a refresher, all you really need to do is combine the four photos shown before you and deduce what word it might be referring to. It’s simple, yet fun and very addicting.
No matter your style, there will always be a word game out there that’s just for you! What are your interests? Math? Geography? Or maybe even queer lingo? Whatever it is, the creative minds of people have made it possible for you to enjoy a fun game of “Wordle” but with a special tweak. So what are you waiting for? Explore all of these fun Wordle dupes!
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